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2017.8.23  1. Introduction and fundamentals of mineral economics Due to its great natural beauty and resistance to decay gold has retained its fascination for more than

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Secondary gold mineralization in the Amani Placer Gold Deposit ...

2019.4.1  Gold nuggets in placers can be genetically classified into two groups based on their chemistry: primary gold which forms under hypogene conditions and secondary

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Oxidation and Secondary Enrichment of Gold Deposits

2017.8.28  546 / GOLD: History and Genesis of Deposits gold-bearing primary zone that extends to depth. Considerable divergence from this ideal zoning arrangement is

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Gold Remobilization: Insights from Gold Deposits in the

2020.3.1  These data provide new insights into the incorporation of trace elements in gold, as well as primary and secondary processes related to the formation of high-grade

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Handbook of Gold Exploration and Evaluation ScienceDirect

Covers the nature and history of gold; Addresses problems with regard to the framework in which gold resources are explored, developed and exploited; Discusses topics including

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Gold Deposits at Rich Hill, Arizona, USA

2023.11.22  primary, secondary and a combination of primary and secondary formation [3]. In the most established theory of primary placer formation, a gold mass

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Gold Deposits - an overview ScienceDirect Topics

Gold-only porphyries, such as at Fort Knox, Alaska appear to occur at higher levels than Cu-Au porphyry deposits, which are themselves at higher levels than Cu-Mo porphyritic

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(PDF) Primary alteration and geochemical

2001.8.1  Primary alteration and geochemical dispersion haloes of Archaean orogenic gold deposits in the Yilgarn Craton: The pre-weathering scenario August 2001 Geochemistry Exploration Environment Analysis ...

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Minerals Free Full-Text Mobilization of Au and

2022.3.16  Visible gold grains (mainly electrum) hosted by pyrite are dominant in the primary ores of the Linglong gold deposit (Figure 4a–f) and also in the other Jiaodong gold deposits [14,48,49,50]. However, such

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Exploration Applications of Copper Isotopes in the

2011.11.17  Exotic deposits have been described also in North America, for example, from the Ray porphyry copper deposit (Sillitoe 2005) and in other parts of the world like in the Oyu Tolgoi porphyry Cu-Au ...

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Gold Deposits at Rich Hill, Arizona, USA

2023.11.22  primary, secondary and a combination of primary and secondary formation [3]. In the most established theory of primary placer formation, a gold mass forms as a lode deposit during a hydrothermal event and survives physical and chemical weathering as native gold grains due to the low chemical reactivity and malleability of

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Alluvial gold in the Bétaré Oya drainage system, east Cameroon

2021.2.17  4.3 Evidence of secondary gold deposit resulting from weathering of primary ore and microbial activity in the BOGD. Primary gold grains from mineralized quartz veins in the Bétaré Oya gold district were investigated for their chemistry and it revealed a microchemical signature of Au + Ag ± Cu ± Hg ± Se (Vishiti et al. 2018). Alluvial gold ...

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The geomicrobiology of gold The ISME Journal - Nature

2007.9.20  Secondary gold is generally much finer (up to 99 wt% of gold) compared to primary gold, and the individual gold aggregates are often larger than in potential source rocks (Wilson, 1984; Watterson ...

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Minerals Free Full-Text Mustard Gold of the Gaching Ore Deposit ...

2019.8.15  The Gaching high-sulfidation (HS) epithermal Au–Ag deposits, part of the Maletoyvayam ore field, which is located in the volcanic belts of the Kamchatka Peninsula (Russia). The main ore components are native gold, tellurides, selenides, and sulphoselenotellurides of Au and oxidation products of Au-tellurides. This study examines

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Discriminating Between Primary and Secondary Au Events in

2023.3.1  It is concluded that the D 1 Au + arsenopyrite event was the principal Au-mineralizing event in the Wawa gold corridor and that the other gold-bearing assemblages (i.e., gold + D 2 pyrite, gold + Bi-Te phases + chalcopyrite) largely represent secondary mobilization of this primary enrichment. Given that LA-ICP-MS sulfide chemistry is

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Major Gold Deposit Types and Exploration process - IJSER

2023.2.7  Major Gold Deposit Types and Exploration process. N. N. Singh Indo Gold Mines Private Ltd, 68B Sect-9, HM; Udaipur, India 313001 singhnn@gmail. Gold occurs as primary commodity in a wide range of gold deposit types and settings. Three main clans of deposits are now broadly defined, each including a range of specific deposit types with ...

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A Review of the Geology of Global Diamond Mines and Deposits

Africa, where the beneficiation of both primary and secondary diamond deposits has been substantial, provides a ready comparison of the importance of both of these types of deposit. Since the discovery of diamonds in Africa in 1854 until the end of 2019, Africa has produced almost 3.6 billion carats (Bct) of diamonds out of a total global ...

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An introduction to Recent Advances in

Gold remains a key financial commodity but, in addition, several hundreds of metric tonnes of gold is needed annually for industrial applications, most important of which are electronic components and medicine (Corti and

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Geochemistry and mineralogy of contrasting supergene gold

2017.10.1  The Miocene gold-bearing vein deposits in the mountains commonly have flecks of visible free gold (mm scale) in addition to the micron scale gold encapsulated in sulphide minerals found elsewhere. Hence, the Miocene veins veins may generally contain more coarser primary gold particles than the older deposits to the east, although this is

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12. Supergene Ore and Gangue Characteristics - USGS

2012.3.8  secondary sulfates, (3) the supergene enrichment zone with abundant chalcocite and other Cu-rich sulfides, and (4) the top of the underlying massive sulfide protore. More complex zonation patterns are evident in mature supergene profiles developed on VMS deposits, especially deposits rich in Zn, Pb, and As (table 12–1).

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Gold Deposits - EOLSS

2020.8.18  GEOLOGY – IV – Gold Deposits - Herrington R.J., Stanley C.J. ©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) and eolian processes, except in extreme weathering conditions. Given these variables, there are six or seven recognized world-class primary gold deposit types—excluding secondary deposits, such as placers. These are: 1.

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Secondary gold mineralization in the Amani Placer Gold Deposit ...

2019.4.1  The APGD lies to the SW of the Amani Village and has a surface area of roughly 6 km 2. The region is drained by the Amani River (which flows in an easterly direction) as well as various ephemeral streams. The alluvial gold deposit is situated between latitude 10° 0′ S to 10° 2′ S and longitude 34° 57′ E to 34° 58′ E.

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Near‐surface secondary gold mobility and grain‐size

2022.2.18  than gold, and secondary gold has higher atomic fineness (930) than primary gold (870). Secondary gold is coarse grained (up to 1 mm), and was deposited in fractures, shears, and cavities in quartz veins and associated sheared schist. The secondary gold was precipitated with goethite and kaolinite, and locally with scorodite and/or ...

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(PDF) Ore deposit types and their primary expressions

2005.1.1  Archaean greenstone hosted orogenic gold deposits in mafic rocks. A and B are key assemblages in low- and high-grade metamorphic terrains respectively (adapted from Y eats and Vanderhor , 1998).

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2017.8.23  secondary deposits from the primary deposits from which they derive. Gold grains in placers found at a great distance from the primary occurrences are usually flattened and/or bent and fol­ ded, and often formed of rather pure gold. The original silver and gold contents found in the gold grains of the primary deposits have been lost. 3.

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Discriminating Between Primary and Secondary Au Events in

2022.10.28  The total gold resource in orogenic gold deposits in the southern Abitibi belt (7500 t Au) is only 3% of the Au mobilized from the estimated total volume of high-metamorphic-grade Pontiac ...

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